Why You Should Replace Old Windows

Your home may not be able to talk to you, but there are signs you should replace old windows. Your property’s windows can be very communicative if you’re listening. Additionally, new high-quality, maintained windows can last for up to 20 years or more. Those of you with windows that are more than 10 to 20 years old should read on to know if they need to be replaced, as well as the benefits of new windows.

Idaho replace old windows

1. Signs of Faulty Windows

There are many signs your windows could be failing. One of the most apparent are windows that are difficult or impossible to open or close. Does the window slide shut without you moving it? This could be fixed with a lubricant, but can also be a sign that the windows have become warped. Windows also show signs of failure by fogging up, cracking, leaking, and more.

2. Window Repair Versus Replacement

In some cases, windows can be easily repaired. For example, windows that allow cold or hot air into the property may just need new weather stripping. New hardware for the window can also fix some issues. However, the replacement of a warped, damaged, or broken window can be preferable to attempting a repair in most cases. This is because a repair on these issues would be a temporary fix with the windows ultimately failing sooner than later.

3. Lower Energy Bills

Your new windows won’t just be a one time hit to your wallet. They can actually help save you money on your energy bill depending on the number of windows, size of the property, etc. Windows allow heat to enter the property heat in the winter via sunlight. Older windows that allow heat gain and loss are estimated to account for 25% to 30% of residential cooling and heating use, according to the Department of Energy.

4. For Beautiful Properties

Your windows are one of the most prominent features on your property. Worn and rusty windows give your interior and exterior the same look. Color faded, warped windows, rusty screens, and more detract from the look and value of your home. Those of you considering selling your property should also consider replacing old windows to increase its value. In fact, you may even be able to make your money back after the sale.


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